Bone and Joint Pain Treatment- All You Need To Know

What is bone pain?

Bone pain is the extreme tenderness, aching and discomfort felt in your bones whether or not you’re moving. The common cause behind dysfunction of the bone structure can be linked to certain diseases and injury. If you have any unusual symptoms visible or not, you should take it seriously and consult an orthopedic doctor immediately.

When should you see a doctor?

Symptoms which can direct your attention towards this issue include:

– Swelling, deformity, snap sounds during an injury.

– Cramps, fatigue, weakness due to mineral deficiency.

– Back pain, stooped posture, loss of height over time due to osteoporosis.

– Increased bone breaks, a lump or mass under the skin, numbness or tingling caused by bone cancer.

– Redness, warmth at the infection site, decreased range of motion due to infection.

– Pale skin, shortness of breath, night sweats caused by leukemia.

To eliminate or reduce the pain, a doctor needs to identify the pain’s underlying cause and suggest the correct treatment. You can be asked to take multiple tests like blood tests, X rays and urine tests by the doctor to diagnose the exact cause. Pain relievers, antibiotics, nutritional supplements, cancer treatments and surgery are the various treatments that can be used by an orthopedic. For maintaining strong and healthy bones you must exercise, get enough calcium and vitamin D, drink only in moderation and avoid smoking. Bones can heal in incorrect positions and inhibit movement without proper treatment. So if you experience unexplained bone pain, see a doctor because serious conditions are the cause of bone pain.

What is joint pain?

Joints are the part of your body which connects bones and support them in moving. Joint pains are a common complaint and typically don’t require a hospital visit. An illness or injury can lead to joint pain simply because of arthritis. However, it can be due to other factors and conditions like overuse of a joint, certain disease like influenza, lupus, gout, osteoporosis, etc.

When should you see a doctor?

If any of the following occurs, go to the emergency room:

– The joint appears deformed.

– The joint is completely immobile.

– You have severe joint pain.

– Swelling of the joint occurs suddenly.

– You’ve experienced a serious injury.

If you have any unexplained joint pain, especially if it doesn’t go away on its own after a few days, you should see your doctor. An early detection and diagnosis can allow for effective treatment of the underlying cause of your discomfort. Pall Mall Medical will provide you with proper assistance regarding your pain. You can clear all your doubts regarding the process- what to expect, how to go about it, instructions, etc.

For booking an appointment with an orthopedic doctor or a consultant, call at 03300 58 44 55 or mail us at

Ultrasound Scans- Cancer Research UK

What is an ultrasound scan?

Ultrasound also known as sonography is a medical test that uses high frequency sound waves to capture live images from the inside of your body. The technology used here is similar to that used by sonar and radar, which help the military detect planes and ships and submarines. An ultrasound enables your doctor to see the internal problems relates to organs, vessels and tissues without needing to make an incision. It is a completely safe method with little to no risk because unlike others it doesn’t use any radiations and that’s why it is preferred for viewing a foetus during pregnancy.

It is commonly believed that ultrasounds are used for providing expectant mothers the first view of their child and is associated with pregnancy. However, the use of ultrasound isn’t restricted here. An ultrasound can also provide the view of eyes, bladder, brain, kidneys, liver, ovaries, etc. Another very crucial use is that it helps surgeons’ movements during medical procedures like biopsies.

In order to prepare you, your doctor can ask you to fast for eight to twelve hours before an ultrasound, especially if your abdomen is being examined. This is to avoid the blockage of sound waves by food particles and getting a clear image. Be sure to tell your doctor about any herbal supplements, prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications. It’s essential to follow all the instructions and ask any questions you may have before the procedure. The best part is that it has minimal risk due to the absence of radiations.

If you’re wondering how an ultrasound is taken, let me walk you through it. The sonographer will make you change into a hospital gown before the scan. Then he will apply a special lubricating jelly on the to-be-examined area for the sound waves emitting microphone looking transducer to glide easily without any friction. The transducer sends high pitched waves which echoes when they hit a dense object like a bone or organ. These echoes form an image that can be interpreted by the doctor. Following the examination, the doctor will study the tests and scans and suggest the further course of action accordingly.

Pall Mall Medicals will provide you with proper assistance regarding your issues and needs. You can clear all your doubts regarding the process here. For booking an appointment with a doctor or a consultant, call at 03300 54 55 44 or e-mail us at

Private Ear Nose Throat Surgery and Services

Otolaryngology, commonly referred to as Ear, Nose and Throat or ENT surgery specialises in the medical diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat, head and neck problems.

ENT surgeons or otolaryngologists deal with a wide range of conditions of the ear, nose, throat, head and neck. These are conditions that affect the senses such as hearing and balance, or smell and taste problems. ENT surgeons also treat patients with conditions that affect their voice, breathing and swallowing and worse medical conditions like head and neck tumours.

Commonly treated ENT Disorders

  • Tonsillitis

Inflammation of the tonsils is called tonsillitis. Tonsillitis causes severe throat pain and is caused by common cold, mono, or strep throat. If the tonsils are inflamed for a long time, they have to be surgically removed as it can interfere with swallowing and also breathing.

  • Ear Infections

Ear infections are very common in young children. They occur when germs enter the ears and get trapped there. Ear infections are accompanied by pain in the ear, hearing loss, balance problems and drainage from the ears.

  • Sinus Infections

Sinuses are a connected system of hollow cavities in the skull surrounding the eyes and nose. Sinusitis occurs when these cavities are infected with bacteria or virus or inflamed due to common allergies that can cause difficulties in breathing, severe headache, bad breath, runny nose, toothaches etc.

  • Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is a serious sleeping disorder in which breathing stops and starts repeatedly. People usually snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night’s sleep if they have sleep apnea.

Other examples of conditions treated by ENT surgeons are nose injuries and infections, vertigo, head and neck pain, speech and swallowing disorders.

Our trained team of otolaryngologists perform all kinds of surgeries related to the ears, nose, throat and neck. We believe in helping our patients live a better life.

Book an appointment with our specialised doctors and plan your surgery after proper consultation at Pall Mall Medical. Call us at 03300 58 44 55, or e-mail at

MRI Scan – Tests and Treatments

Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI is a type of scan that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create three dimensional detailed images of the internal parts of your body. MRI tests do not use radiations like a CT scan or an X-Ray.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a type of test that uses powerful magnets, radio waves and a computer to make detailed images of the organs, bones and tissues inside your body.

An MRI scan can examine any part of the body including the brain, spinal cord, heart, blood vessels, liver etc. MRI tests are conducted or advised by doctors to detect a tumour, a blood vessel damage, spinal cord injuries, heart related diseases or malfunction, bone infections or damage to joints. One of the most common utilities of an MRI scan is for the detection of cancer, or stages of cancer in the human body and to check the effect of treatments on different parts of the body.


During an MRI scan, you’re asked to lie down still on a flatbed that is moved into a scanner operated by a radiographer. The radiographer carries out imaging investigations.

You may get a contrast dye injected into your vein in your arm which makes it easier for doctors to view structures inside your body.

The scanner takes images as you move through it. It makes a very loud sound in the process, you may ask the radiographer to provide you with headphones or earphones to protect your hearing.


A magnetic resonance imaging scan is one of the safest medical procedures currently available. They are painless and do not involve any exposure to radiation like X-Ray. Pregnant women are advised not to undergo an MRI scan unless very necessary during their first trimester since the organs of the baby develop during that stage.

Keep in mind that no metal objects are allowed during the scan which can include jewellery, body piercings, fillings or other dental work, insulin pump, pacemaker etc. Consult the doctor before undergoing the procedure.

Book an appointment with our doctors for consultation and guidance regarding your MRI scan at Pall Mall Medical. You can call us at 03300 58 44 55, or e-mail at

Upper Eyelid Treatment

An eyelid is a thin fold of the skin that covers and protects the human eye. The human eyelid features a row of eyelashes along the eyelid margin, which serve to heighten the protection of the eye from dust and foreign debris, as well as from perspiration.

Eyelid treatment or blepharoplasty is commonly known as an eyelid correction procedure. This process involves removing excess drooping skin, muscles and fat pads from near the eyelids.

Based on the need of the patient, blepharoplasty can be functional and cosmetic.

Functional eyelid treatment is performed solely due to medical reasons. It is performed to remove loose skin or excess fat from the upper eyelid which can sag due to the pressure, and impair vision.

The eyes are a main focus of attention of our daily interactions. They can command control and exert our influence and draw others in. However, tired and aged eyes can give off the perception of fatigue, poor health, passiveness, anger or a number of other undesirable traits and problems.

Aging skin loses elasticity and over time shows the mounting effects of gravity.  Combined with environmental factors, genetics, stress these effects are especially noticeable in the thinner skin around the eyes of many men starting in their 30’s. Upper eyelids begin to sag while lower eyelids can also develop wrinkles, puffiness or a hollowed out look. Skin care products are no longer enough. Upper and lower eyelid lifts are simple but powerful procedures that a man can turn to in order to keep a youthful edge in their business and social lives.

For both the upper and lower eyelids, the procedures of removing excess tissue and repairing areas of laxity are for a more taut appearance. Subtle differences in the facial structures of a man versus a woman must be considered to achieve attractive masculine results.  As an example, facial features such as eyebrows and cheekbones have some different contours. Additionally, men have thicker skin and heavier facial muscles as compared to a woman that must be accounted for in the surgical techniques being used. In planning surgery, our doctors tailor each procedure with respect to individual concerns and desired results.

Recovery is quick. Requiring extra attention for just a few days, most people return to work within a week. Scars hide easily in natural creases of the eye. There are a few other than a refreshed, rejuvenated appearance, if any, indications that they’ve had cosmetic surgery. For more details visit us at

Private Health Screening

With the help of proper medical guidance and early detection of a disease in your body, major health issues can be prevented. As the old saying states, prevention is better than cure. Health Screening consists of a set of tests, physical examinations or other procedures that help in detecting a particular disease or medical condition in people who look and feel fine and have no clear symptoms relating to any health problem. Health Screening is important for everyone; early detection can help in prevention and even curing a disease at its early stages which proves to be better than when treated at a later stage.

Health Screenings are personalised according to an individual. Previous health records and relevant personal and family history as well as lifestyle analysis of a person (smoking, alcohol, and physical activity) help in tailoring the perfect set of tests required. A physical examination is mandatory along with various laboratory tests using blood, urine or stool samples. Depending on the age of a person, there are different tests conducted like an ECG (heart trace) for older people, colonoscopy, breast screening and cervical smears for women that might be suggested.

There are various diseases that are commonly detected which include high or low blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, thyroid conditions, bowel cancers, pre-cancerous changes in the cervix, early breast disease etc. WHO (World Health Organisation) has stated that 80% of premature diseases and strokes can be prevented and taking regular health screenings help in the prevention process.

After your health screening, if your screening test results are normal, you should continue for regular health screenings at a frequency recommended by your doctor. If you develop signs or symptoms before the time of your recommended regular screening, do not wait for your appointment; consult a doctor as soon as possible. If your test results are abnormal, or signs of a possible developing disease in your body are identified, follow up with your doctor immediately even if you’re feeling completely normal at that point. Early treatment of diseases can result in better outcomes and prove to be beneficial for you and will help in preventing or delaying serious complications.

Book an appointment for a health screening now, or consult our doctors for personalised recommendations. Call us at 03300 58 44 55, or e-mail us at


For people who have a problem with a small protruding belly, which was an after-effect of weight loss or pregnancy or any other health issue, mini-abdominoplasty is a life saver. Dieting and properly exercising do not always help; they only help people in losing weight. But in most of the cases, excess area of stretched, sagging skin and fat remains in the lower abdomen which makes it bulge out resulting in a lack of confidence and comfort in form-fitting clothing or swimsuits in people.

Mini-abdominoplasty is also called a mini tummy tuck. It is a modified version of abdominoplasty which removes excess sagging tissue from the lower abdomen to restore a tighter, flatter stomach. A full abdominoplasty is where an incision is made at the waist crease as well as around the umbilicus while a mini tummy tuck majorly involves a single and shorter incision made just above the pubic mound. The surgeon carefully removes excess skin and tightens loose muscles. A mini-abdominoplasty is a great option for those who are healthy, at a stable weight and want to get rid of unwanted abdominal skin.

Proper care needs to be taken before as well as after undergoing any surgical procedure. Before your surgery, it is necessary to review medications that you are currently prescribed with which may affect your surgery. You may be asked to discontinue or adjust some medications you are on for a specific time period. Also, for people who are frequent smokers, you will be asked to stop smoking for approximately 6 weeks prior to your surgery. Tobacco products slow down the healing process of the body which makes it a harmful choice. After undergoing the surgery, you will need someone to stay with you for at least 24 hours so make sure you bring someone along.

Pall Mall Medicals will provide you with proper assistance regarding your surgery. You can clear all your doubts regarding the process – what to avoid before the process, proper instructions for your surgery day, after care etc.
For booking an appointment with a doctor or a consultant, call at 03300 58 44 55 or e-mail us at

We Plan The (Good) Time For You!

The Watch Buyers Group is not a business working like other watch trading businesses, as the name suggests, we are a group of watch loving people. We have put together the like-minded fraternity of people who are fond of watches as much as we are!

Get the best timepieces at ease, at The Watch Buyers Group. We deal in selling luxurious watches, buying used watches, appraise antique watches and service damaged watches. You might be one of those watch persons who like to keep up always with the fashion and must be exploring the internet seamlessly to look for the new watches that are trending in-line to the latest fashion. We understand the value of choices and thus deal with complete transparency so you get the favourite watch that serves you with a long-lasting happiness.

The Watch Buyers Group is located in Burlington Arcade, Sunny Pasadena at the southwest coast of California. We are established since 2008 and has traded several watches with maximum happiness and customer satisfaction.

Buying watch:

We buy watches and prepare them for reselling. We buy a watch, assess it to provide an estimate of the right value it holds. We get the watch from you and keep it with us for some time. Then doing the some or other needed work we pass it on to the new buyers. If you are thinking about buying a watch then we can be a great help in choosing what you can buy. We have sold several watches and thus hold intensive experience in suggesting the right watch as per your choice.

Selling watch:

We buy watches, refurbish them by repairing the damages and polishing out any wear and tear. Then we run various checks to assess the quality and withstanding power of the watch. We do not like to keep watches in a showcase to get dust, and so you might not get an inventory to browse through different variants available.

Servicing watch:

We service watches of various brands such as Rolex, Tag Heuer, Omega and Cartier. You can choose to walk-in or send your watch for repair. We provide a fair estimate of the cost of repairing and polishing your watch to make it look new and add extra life to it. The watches once received are immediately assigned to one of our professionals who open and take out every part carefully. The watch takes about three months on an average to get serviced. However, it is suggested that you confirm well in advance about the expected time for servicing.

Appraise watch:

Whether you need an insurance certificate or want to resell your watch, you need an appraisal certificate. The certificate estimates the value of your watch and provides the assurance of the worth of the watch. It comes handy especially when you are claiming an insurance against theft and damages. It helps you get covered and an appropriate rebate on the cost.

What must women know about breast implants, removal and replacements?

Many women across the world get their breast implant surgeries done. But what should be done 10 to 15 years after the surgeries? Women get confused and take decisions based on myths and rumours. There are various warnings their body gives them. Here are some steps they can take to steer clear of these impediments.

There will be people looking to scare you with the supposed facts that the implants are only sufficient for a time period of 10 years. This may not be true, but it is said that to avoid all hassles you must consult your doctor every couple of years. These implants are man-made and hence there are various issues that may arise. So, quit getting worked up by these myths and go see your doctor.

The body is aware of everything and hence it will automatically give you signs if anything is wrong in the system. Even if the implants are just a couple of years old, do not ignore them. Be aware of the following signs:

  • Pain or discomfort
  • Unhappiness with your implants
  • Skin rashes
  • Hardening of breasts
  • A shift in shape (a certain kind may suggest a leak in the implant)

If you face any of these go see the doctor immediately.

There is a lot of confusion about these surgeries however this is not something very new although getting popular only now! Some surveys, however, have suggested that out of the most women that went under the breast augmentation surgeries were in their mid-thirties. Hence the time of their lives when they reach out to doctors again for replacing or removing their implants is in their forties and fifties.

The procedure to replace and remove breasts includes choosing to replace them with a smaller size, the same size, a bigger size or get rid of it altogether. In some cases, a woman can get just a breast lift which solves the same problem but at lower risks. The main thing that all women need to know is that a lot of people will say a lot of different things but their choices should finally depend on what they feel after consulting their doctor.

How Earlobe surgery can help you look better?

We often overlook the ears in terms of beauty standards. The piercing was considered aesthetic in past. However, nowadays people all over are opting for earlobe surgery to get rid off of the enlarged piercing in the ear. Let us dig deep into what this is and more importantly why this unconventional surgery is helping people out in looking better?

Every body part has become a part of the fashion statement! Whether it is a celebrity or a fan, they reinvent their entire being alike. Right from injecting Botox for a younger look to surgeries for reshaping the body part as desired, the cosmetic industry is humongous. When reshaping body parts for more aesthetics, people don’t ignore appendix like nose or earlobe even!

The earlobe surgery is most common due to piercing after effects such as when the piercing enlarges and deforms the ear, a careful surgery is done to get the original ear form back! However, with time, people have started minding the extra length in their earlobe piercing and go for earlobe surgeries to reduce the enlargement and get better-looking earlobe(s). Although, this might sound unconventional to get the enlargement reduced but not removed, yet, it is appealing to a lot many people.

The split earlobe surgery usually takes lesser time between 15 minutes to a few hours depending upon the split size and deformation. A plastic surgeon, an ENT specialist and an anaesthetician along with the nurse and supporting staff can carry out the surgery. A plastic surgeon will closely examine the necessity of surgery and will discuss with you beforehand. The surgeon will brief you about precautions and preventions pre and post operation. When you go under the knife, local anesthesia is administered which will numb the earlobe but did not cause you to sleep. The procedure is completely painless and needs no strict aftercare.

Piercing has become a major fashion statement to both men and women and thus earlobe surgery is gaining more popularity. If you wish to get one yourself then you can choose to visit a private healthcare like Pall Mall Medical for getting this surgery done in less than an hour.