Upper Eyelid Treatment

An eyelid is a thin fold of the skin that covers and protects the human eye. The human eyelid features a row of eyelashes along the eyelid margin, which serve to heighten the protection of the eye from dust and foreign debris, as well as from perspiration.

Eyelid treatment or blepharoplasty is commonly known as an eyelid correction procedure. This process involves removing excess drooping skin, muscles and fat pads from near the eyelids.

Based on the need of the patient, blepharoplasty can be functional and cosmetic.

Functional eyelid treatment is performed solely due to medical reasons. It is performed to remove loose skin or excess fat from the upper eyelid which can sag due to the pressure, and impair vision.

The eyes are a main focus of attention of our daily interactions. They can command control and exert our influence and draw others in. However, tired and aged eyes can give off the perception of fatigue, poor health, passiveness, anger or a number of other undesirable traits and problems.

Aging skin loses elasticity and over time shows the mounting effects of gravity.  Combined with environmental factors, genetics, stress these effects are especially noticeable in the thinner skin around the eyes of many men starting in their 30’s. Upper eyelids begin to sag while lower eyelids can also develop wrinkles, puffiness or a hollowed out look. Skin care products are no longer enough. Upper and lower eyelid lifts are simple but powerful procedures that a man can turn to in order to keep a youthful edge in their business and social lives.

For both the upper and lower eyelids, the procedures of removing excess tissue and repairing areas of laxity are for a more taut appearance. Subtle differences in the facial structures of a man versus a woman must be considered to achieve attractive masculine results.  As an example, facial features such as eyebrows and cheekbones have some different contours. Additionally, men have thicker skin and heavier facial muscles as compared to a woman that must be accounted for in the surgical techniques being used. In planning surgery, our doctors tailor each procedure with respect to individual concerns and desired results.

Recovery is quick. Requiring extra attention for just a few days, most people return to work within a week. Scars hide easily in natural creases of the eye. There are a few other than a refreshed, rejuvenated appearance, if any, indications that they’ve had cosmetic surgery. For more details visit us at https://www.pallmallmedical.co.uk/

Upper Blepharoplasty at Pall Mall Medical

Book a free consultation at Pall Mall Medical for Upper Blepharoplasty and get back your youthful look.

Blepharoplasty is also known as eyelid surgery. As we all know, our eyes are one the most prominent and noticeable of our facial features. The skin around the eyelids is the thinnest skin on our face and is prone to signs of aging, such as bulges or bags in the lower eyelid, excess skin overhanging your eyes and wrinkles. These can all make you look tired, prematurely old and even a bit sad. Surgery at Pall Mall Medical will create a smoother area around your eyes, helping you get a more youthful look.

Pall Mall Medical also carries out blepharoplasty with MACS facelift. The blepharoplasty surgery can’t be performed if the patient has eye problems, but it is also a fact that surgery can often cure many eye related problems automatically.

There are many home remedies that can be useful to get rid of aging signs, dark circles, etc. Visit our blog for 5 top tips for eye bag removal.

At Pall Mall Medical both upper and lower blepharoplasty surgeries are performed by our team of specialists. Affordable finance options are available with AffordItnow to help you manage your budget and provide you various pay-back options that suit your pocket.


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Upper Eyelid Treatment at Pall Mall Medical.

Eyelid surgery or Blepharoplasty to get younger appearance and improve vision at Pall Mall Medical.

Eyelid is the thinnest skin on the face and it is expected to be the first facial feature which reveals the signs of ageing. At Pall Mall Medical, we offer Eyelid surgery or Blepharoplasty as a procedure to augment the appearance of eyelids by removing excess facial skin, fat & muscle on upper/lower eyelids. The procedure creates a smoother area around your eyes which can help you to get a fresh and young appearance. In addition, it is required to have upper and lower eyelid treatment to improve vision if excess skin folds have interfered with normal sight. Blepharoplasty procedure normally takes 1-2 hours to perform. However, it also depends on the treatment you choose whether you opt for upper eyelid treatment or lower eyelid treatment.

Each patient is unique at Pall Mall Medical and therefore, we don’t employ “one size fit for all approach”. Firstly, we book for you a free-of-charge initial consultation with our surgeon so that you can discuss your expectations related to the desired look and the realistic results you want to achieve. Once our consultant had a conversation with you, our team member will get in touch with you to provide a complete quote, including pre-op, surgery itself, post-op and aftercare.

We invite you to experience the benefits of a welcoming environment where you can expect to be listened to, understood, and delighted with the outcome. We are here to help you to make the changes you desire to lead a truly beautiful life.

Book an appointment for the Upper & lower Blepharoplasty at Manchester, Liverpool and Newton-le-Willows.


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Upper Eyelid Treatment at Pall Mall Medical.

Upper Eyelid Treatment – Eyelid surgery/Blepharoplasty to give your eyes a rejuvenated look.

If you are looking forward for an experienced expertise for Blepharoplasty, book a consultation with Pall Mall Medical at our Manchester or Liverpool clinics or at our private diagnostic and surgical centre in Newton-le-Willows to discuss your options with our experts and experienced cosmetic surgeon.

Upper Eyelid Treatment  – A rewarding procedure for your eyes.

The skin around your eyes changes silently each day. Exposure to sun, ageing and family history are some of the factors that work on your skin causing puffiness, sagging of tissue, wrinkling, or extra skin around your eyes. These changes in the shape and appearance of your eyes affect your overall personality as eyes are often the first feature people notice about you. They are in fact the strongest means of communication and a perfect way of expression. At Pall Mall Medical, the Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, can revitalize your eyes and give your face a bright, rejuvenated, and well-rested look.

The operation is usually a day case surgery performed under general anaesthetics to treat excess skin folds around the upper eyelids or reduce puffiness and wrinkling in the lower eyelid region.

It is a 1 – 2 hour procedure. The time required fairly depends upon your choice of option, meaning whether you choose to have the upper eyelid treatment or lower or both. The Surgeon’s approach is to create a younger, refreshed and rejuvenated appearance to the eyes while avoiding any signs of surgery.
Contact us for more information.

Upper and Lower Eyelid treatment at Pall Mall Medical.

A perfect treatment for puffed, sagged or loose skin around your eyes, for better appearance and vision, at Pall Mall Medical.

Eyes – a sense that reflects your thoughts and is a very important organ of your overall appearance. Sun exposure, aging, family history can contribute and cause the change in shape and tone of your eyelids. If the skin around your eyes has turned puffy, sagged or loosen giving you tired look and making you appear older than you are, we at Pall Mall Medical can help you with Blepharoplasty.

Blepharoplasty is commonly practiced for cosmetic reasons and successfully results in providing more youthful and pleasant appearance. Apart from this, many times if sagging of upper eyelid skin obstructs peripheral vision, blepharoplasty can eliminate the obstruction and expand the visual field.

If you are planning to opt for blepharoplasty for improved vision or better appearance, we at Pall Mall Medical can provide you with an initial consultation. During the consultation,  you can comfortably discuss the look you are expecting from the surgery and our expertise will fairly let you know what can be done realistically.