
For people who have a problem with a small protruding belly, which was an after-effect of weight loss or pregnancy or any other health issue, mini-abdominoplasty is a life saver. Dieting and properly exercising do not always help; they only help people in losing weight. But in most of the cases, excess area of stretched, sagging skin and fat remains in the lower abdomen which makes it bulge out resulting in a lack of confidence and comfort in form-fitting clothing or swimsuits in people.

Mini-abdominoplasty is also called a mini tummy tuck. It is a modified version of abdominoplasty which removes excess sagging tissue from the lower abdomen to restore a tighter, flatter stomach. A full abdominoplasty is where an incision is made at the waist crease as well as around the umbilicus while a mini tummy tuck majorly involves a single and shorter incision made just above the pubic mound. The surgeon carefully removes excess skin and tightens loose muscles. A mini-abdominoplasty is a great option for those who are healthy, at a stable weight and want to get rid of unwanted abdominal skin.

Proper care needs to be taken before as well as after undergoing any surgical procedure. Before your surgery, it is necessary to review medications that you are currently prescribed with which may affect your surgery. You may be asked to discontinue or adjust some medications you are on for a specific time period. Also, for people who are frequent smokers, you will be asked to stop smoking for approximately 6 weeks prior to your surgery. Tobacco products slow down the healing process of the body which makes it a harmful choice. After undergoing the surgery, you will need someone to stay with you for at least 24 hours so make sure you bring someone along.

Pall Mall Medicals will provide you with proper assistance regarding your surgery. You can clear all your doubts regarding the process – what to avoid before the process, proper instructions for your surgery day, after care etc.
For booking an appointment with a doctor or a consultant, call at 03300 58 44 55 or e-mail us at

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