Private Health Screening

With the help of proper medical guidance and early detection of a disease in your body, major health issues can be prevented. As the old saying states, prevention is better than cure. Health Screening consists of a set of tests, physical examinations or other procedures that help in detecting a particular disease or medical condition in people who look and feel fine and have no clear symptoms relating to any health problem. Health Screening is important for everyone; early detection can help in prevention and even curing a disease at its early stages which proves to be better than when treated at a later stage.

Health Screenings are personalised according to an individual. Previous health records and relevant personal and family history as well as lifestyle analysis of a person (smoking, alcohol, and physical activity) help in tailoring the perfect set of tests required. A physical examination is mandatory along with various laboratory tests using blood, urine or stool samples. Depending on the age of a person, there are different tests conducted like an ECG (heart trace) for older people, colonoscopy, breast screening and cervical smears for women that might be suggested.

There are various diseases that are commonly detected which include high or low blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, thyroid conditions, bowel cancers, pre-cancerous changes in the cervix, early breast disease etc. WHO (World Health Organisation) has stated that 80% of premature diseases and strokes can be prevented and taking regular health screenings help in the prevention process.

After your health screening, if your screening test results are normal, you should continue for regular health screenings at a frequency recommended by your doctor. If you develop signs or symptoms before the time of your recommended regular screening, do not wait for your appointment; consult a doctor as soon as possible. If your test results are abnormal, or signs of a possible developing disease in your body are identified, follow up with your doctor immediately even if you’re feeling completely normal at that point. Early treatment of diseases can result in better outcomes and prove to be beneficial for you and will help in preventing or delaying serious complications.

Book an appointment for a health screening now, or consult our doctors for personalised recommendations. Call us at 03300 58 44 55, or e-mail us at

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